Constipation caused due to certain foods which are high in portions. Better you can avoid consuming those types of food considerably. It may help your body by healing itself from many diseases around us. Your health care mostly based on the food you take in.

The foods like candy, refined food, cheese, potatoes, bread, and pasta are rich in starch which leads to poor digestion. The people should not always depend on the taste they should be aware of future difficulties. Once you cut out all your junk foods and have healthy foods for a time of period that makes your taste bud to adapt and healthy food will start to taste good.

The constipation is where the mass of food items gets stuck inside your intestine and turns into hard lumps which struggle to come out. Then this starts to the rot by this it will eliminate other food eventually .the body will try for chronic diarrheal and handle the situations.due to this bowel impaction process the vein will get damaged. When vein gets pinch off, there will be high blood pressure which may lead your heart to pump harder.

Foods and drinks that are through to be important in a constipation diet:

  • Raisins
  • Prunes
  • Beans
  • Figs
  • Raw vegetables
  • Fresh fruits with high water content
  • Whole grain foods
  • Fibber wafer
  • Bran cereals

this is the best link to avoid constipation.


The truth is that solid food is only half of the story and adequate intake of fluid is essential to have regular bowel movement. Per day it is recommended to drink 8 ounces of liquid .the consumption of water depends on per age, climate and the atmosphere where you live and physical activities. Low consumption will lead to constipation.

Probiotics :

The fermented products like yogurt will improve your gut health. The review of probiotics says that there is a statistical development in intestinal shipment time for focus that identified as constipated.